Bankruptcy Can Help with
Credit Card Debt
Credit Card Debt is one of the key drivers of people filing for bankruptcy. Credit Card Debt has a tendency to sneak up on people and before they know what has happened they are facing minimum monthly payments that make it almost impossible to live. Bankruptcy can be a great option to deal with Credit Card Debt that has become beyond your control.
Wage Garnishment
Wage Garnishment sneaks up on may people at the worst possible time. You may have forgotten that there is a judgment against you, but your creditor has not. Through the use of Wage Garnishments, Creditors will attempt to collect what is owed to them. Bankruptcy many be the best way to stop Wage Garnishments and keep control of your financial future.
Medical Debt
Medical Debt happens and it is usually beyond your control. Many times lack of health insurance or high deductibles associated with your health insurance causes medical expenses that are far beyond your capabilities to pay them. Bankruptcy in these cases is one of the best options to resolve these Medical Debts and the stress caused by them.
Mortgage Deficiencies
Mortgage Deficiencies can occur as a result of unforeseen financial issues. If you are behind on your mortgage or have already been foreclosed on, bankruptcy may be able to assist you in catching up, eliminating or reducing the amounts owed.
Student Loans
Student Loans can be overwhelming and once you fall behind on them, they can be difficult to catch back up. They cause much unnecessary anxiety. Bankruptcy may offer you options to assist you with your Student Loan issues.
Tax Debt
Tax Debt can cause great stress and anxiety for many. All is not lost, Bankruptcy may offer you great options to deal with Tax Debt by possibly eliminating and/or reducing the amounts owed or allow you to set up a repayment plan that works for you.
Attorney Mazur Is Here For You
Many People come to me only after putting themselves through a lot of unnecessary stress about filing for Bankruptcy. They suffer everyday the harrassment of debt collectors’ calls, mail and the fear of being served with lawsuits. They have misconceptions about bankruptcy caused by friends, family and the media. So not only are they suffering financially, usually due to circumstances outside of their control, but they’re suffering emotionally too.
You don’t have to live this way!
You have options! I am here to help you explore your options and decide if bankruptcy is right for you. The only way you can know for certain if Bankruptcy is your best option is to schedule a consultation with me to discuss your specific situation and develop a strategy to deal with it.
You have a few different ways to schedule your FREE Bankruptcy Consultation with me either in person or by telephone to help you evaluate all of your options before deciding if bankruptcy really is your best solution for your specific situation.

Whether We Owe Millions or Thousands Overwhelming Debts Affect Us All
Most people who file for Bankruptcy don’t file because they were living high on the hog…. sometimes it’s because they are up to their necks in medical bills. Other times its because they or their spouse have lost a job. Guilt and aggressive bill collectors often cause sleepless nights. For some, bankruptcy is the answer, for others, credit counseling or debt negotiation works. Your situation is unique and you deserve a personalized evaluation of your specific situation to help you make the best decision for you and your family.
So if mounting debts, specifically credit card bills, medical bills or foreclosure are threatening to pull your family under, you may want to consider bankruptcy as a way to push the “reset button” today. If you are deciding whether to buy food or pay a credit card bill, it is probably time to consult with me, Bankruptcy Attorney, Matthew E. Mazur, Jr., Esq. to help you assess your situation. Because the sooner you schedule your totally free, no obligation appointment to speak or meet with me the sooner you’ll be able to put these problems behind you and get on with the rest of your life.

Learn More About Bankruptcy
Throughout History, successful people have had to file for bankruptcy to get back on the road to success. The following is a short list of current and past Famous Successful Americans who have had to file for bankruptcy
- Walt Disney:He went through some very serious financial difficulties in his early years because financial backers in his first company withdrew their financial backing. This left Walt with considerable debts and no way to pay them off. He filed for bankruptcy protection. He went on to create one of the largest entertainment companies in the world.
- Burt Reynolds:He got into debt after his 1996 divorce. He owed $10,000,000.00 and his only way out was to file for bankruptcy.
- Larry King:In 1978 he was $352,000.00 in debt and had to file for bankruptcy as he had no other way out.
- Abraham Lincoln:He declared bankruptcy in 1833 after his law practice failed. As you know he went on to become the 16th President of the United States.
- Francis Ford Coppola:He filed for bankruptcy in 1982 after one of his entertainment projects lost money. His only way out was to file for bankruptcy.
- Toni Braxton:She filed for bankruptcy in 1998. Despite the fact that she had sold millions of records she was unable to get out from under her debts without the assistance of bank.
The above list of famous successful people who have filed for bankruptcy and gone on to do great things should serve as a reminder that filing bankruptcy is not the end of the world. It is the beginning of a new financial future, one that should be better than the one you had before you filed for bankruptcy.
Testimonials for Matthew Mazur, P.A.
To see reviews on Matthew Mazur, P.A., and Attorney Matthew E. Mazur, Jr., click here to go to our AVVO.COM listing.
Frequently Asked Questions
This section template is handy for answering commonly asked questions about your products, services, or offerings.
What is the Purpose of Bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy is designed to help you get out from under the burden of your debts. To protect your property, lower your stress level and let you start sleeping again, and to regain control of your financial future.
Are There Different Types of Bankruptcy?
Yes, and they are known by the title of the Chapter of the Federal Bankruptcy Act in which they appear. Each “Chapter” contains a different set of laws and rules.
What is a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Chapter 7 is the most frequently used chapter because it involves the complete liquidation of a debtor’s property, with the proceeds used to pay off the debts. However, the debtor can retain certain exempt property under Federal law and/or State law, such as tools of one’s trade, limited equity in a car and house, and some personal effects.
What is a Chapter 11 Bankruptcy?
Chapter 11 is typically used for business bankruptcies and restructuring. It is not commonly used by individual consumers since it is far more complex and expensive to pursue.
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